Monday, July 14, 2008

Web 2.0 New Tools New Schools Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Tutorials is a great way to conclude the book with some specific tutorials from Web 2.0 tools that had been introduced in chapter 3. I like how they covered basic applications like word processing, presentations, spreadsheets and communication tools like blogs and wikis as well as some creative tools such as photo editing and audio editing and drawing. I think these tutorials are a great introduction to the tool and would get some people to try them that normally wouldn't by just seeing them online or something like that. I took a look at some of the ones I had not used before and checked them out. I even followed the tutorial on one of them which is always hard for me. I just like to try them out and see what they can do. I think this will be a helpful chapter for many who are new at these web 2.0 tools.

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