Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week 6 thing 15

In the article by Michael Stephens "Into a New World of Librarianship" he adds an interesting thought that the library Web 2.0 is that "the Library is human," because it makes the library a social and emotionally engaging center for learning and experience. I think that libraries should be more of a socially engaging place but not just because of Web 2.0. Our school libraries need to be the hub of the school both educationally and socially. Students need to want to be there and feel comfortable there to utilize the resources available. It would be nice to be able to do all of the things he talks about but I have trouble figuring out where to find the time to add all of these things into the daily routine.
Librarians 2.0 plans for their users as all librarians should to meet the needs of their patrons. It will take time before librarians embrace Web 2.0 technologies. They must become more comfortable with them and see how they can be used to benefit their patrons or they can best use the technology to assist them. Embracing the tools to enhance their ability to meet the needs of those they reach. They make good decisions about the technology to use not just for technology sake. This all makes good sense as well as the ability to make good decisions about the changing technologies by planning and communicating with those who will be impacted by these decisions. I am not sure how well all of these would work in the school library but can definitely see many applications being valid.

1 comment:

Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

I am reading a great book that goes along with this theme (recommended by Maureen Retzel) Brain Friendly School Libraries by Judith Anne Sykes.....
